Large Hand Tied Bouquet (AKA Bride's Bouquet) Available May-October


You choose the color palette and leave the rest to us! This stress free, budget- friendly option is great for special events like weddings, showers, birthdays, and celebrations of all kinds.

Bouquets are lovingly arranged and hand tied with your choice of twine or ribbon, including only the freshest flowers and foliage from Blue Flag Farm and other local Maine farms. Your bouquet comes in a quart-sized jar in a box for easy transport.

Choose from the following color options:

Grower’s Choice: This will include the best blooms available from the gardens ranging in color and texture from blush to bright!

Blush Tones: Centerpieces will include those light pinks, peachy-pinks, and cream we love so much.

Bold and Bright: Yowzah! All the most beautiful blooms in bright magenta, oranges, yellows, reds, and purples. These colors will make a joyful statement!

White and Green: Classy, classic, simple, and elegant; only white and green!

Ribbon/Twine Options:
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You choose the color palette and leave the rest to us! This stress free, budget- friendly option is great for special events like weddings, showers, birthdays, and celebrations of all kinds.

Bouquets are lovingly arranged and hand tied with your choice of twine or ribbon, including only the freshest flowers and foliage from Blue Flag Farm and other local Maine farms. Your bouquet comes in a quart-sized jar in a box for easy transport.

Choose from the following color options:

Grower’s Choice: This will include the best blooms available from the gardens ranging in color and texture from blush to bright!

Blush Tones: Centerpieces will include those light pinks, peachy-pinks, and cream we love so much.

Bold and Bright: Yowzah! All the most beautiful blooms in bright magenta, oranges, yellows, reds, and purples. These colors will make a joyful statement!

White and Green: Classy, classic, simple, and elegant; only white and green!

You choose the color palette and leave the rest to us! This stress free, budget- friendly option is great for special events like weddings, showers, birthdays, and celebrations of all kinds.

Bouquets are lovingly arranged and hand tied with your choice of twine or ribbon, including only the freshest flowers and foliage from Blue Flag Farm and other local Maine farms. Your bouquet comes in a quart-sized jar in a box for easy transport.

Choose from the following color options:

Grower’s Choice: This will include the best blooms available from the gardens ranging in color and texture from blush to bright!

Blush Tones: Centerpieces will include those light pinks, peachy-pinks, and cream we love so much.

Bold and Bright: Yowzah! All the most beautiful blooms in bright magenta, oranges, yellows, reds, and purples. These colors will make a joyful statement!

White and Green: Classy, classic, simple, and elegant; only white and green!